Monday, September 24, 2012

Guten Abend Wien - Jetzt oder nie!

Austria - Vienna
Willkommen in Wien!
Language: German
Currency: Lovely Euro (EUR)
Time Zone: +1 GMT (summer +2)

"For almost fifteen years i repeatedly saw one and the same dream; I would arrive in Vienna at long last. I would feel really happy, for I was returning to my serene childhood."

Hello my lovely hubbles, 

I'll tell you a story 4226 km far away from this city that I am right now and maybe 4 and a half hours from my hometown. 
Since I used to lived in Austria I really have some kind of special love for that country. Do I have to tell you that this trip was absolutely fabulous? Green parks, a lot of streets, sunny day, shopping areas, coffee on terrace, kind and approachable people, nice hotel ... Maybe you cannot imagine my life now but I can tell you, it is something you are thinking about when you are  trying to rest in really nice hotel in some beautiful city like this. Traveling all around the world and picking just those nice corners in unexplored world. Dreaming of all that cities in the world you want to visit and then all of sudden you are there. Whatever's on your mind.

When we woke up we decided that day is perfect to see what Vienna can show us. Although it was chilly and windy weather nothing could prevent us to walk all day through that lovely streets. You can see a beauty of monuments and historical parts of the city while at the same time all luxury stores, shopping centres, cafes and restaurants. It reminded me on my city; city with soul and history.

After long walk all around the city we decided to fill our batteries in Seafood restaurant. I could eat every day fish so for me the food was extra good. Of course I couldn't skip the part with the dessert so we went on quick coffee and cheesecake before big The Shopping-Time.

Sometimes I'm that girl that hates shopping and everything with that BUT sometimes; OMG, I LOOOOVE it. Zara, H&M, Humanic, Bipa, DM, Forever 21, Louis Vuitton ... Yes, we visited all of them. My choice for this time was just couple of things that I really wanted.

Mint sweater and bag & Gucci Guilty & Pink jacket &
my yummy DM's Joghurt-white chocolate waffels & Giotto

And day passed really fast. Just like that day when you have amazing time. Next day we take a tour again through the streets of Vienna. We didn't see everything again but we decided to go in Kunsthistorisches Museum before we go to the hotel. Egyptian history, collection of coins and famous historical people. Spanish, Italian, French, German and Netherlands art gallery. Really nice.

If we could have five days we can not visit and see everything that we can in this city so next time I have to-do-in-Vienna part 2-list. For sure, I know I love Europe even more. 

Ohh, they made me laugh =)

 With love, dq

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